Hiking Gear List

The following is a list of all gear required for going on the club hikes.

Read it carefully and make sure you have all this! You won’t be allowed to go otherwise, no exceptions!

What to bring
Before you can board the bus, you must have all of the following:

Hiking Boots (with ankle support!)
A good pair of boots is an essential. None of our mountains have trails such as in other countries. Our hikes are over rough, wet, steep and slippy ground, rock, bog and grass. Runners, shoes, Dr. Martens or wellingtons are not permitted on walks as they provide no grip or ankle support. If your footwear is unsuitable, you won’t be allowed on the bus.

It is also advised that you bring a change of footwear and socks for after the walk, as wet boots can become uncomfortable. You can leave these on the bus.

Please note: “Hiking Shoes” are not good enough , you must have boots that have ankle support, this means they must come up past your ankle. If you are going to buy footwear so you can come with us please make sure they are boots! There is NO exception to this rule

good bootsbagkso_five_fingers_vibram_men_independen_walking_shoes_for_men

Suitable trousers are essential in the hills, therefore JEANS or similar THICK COTTON TROUSERS ARE NOT ALLOWED as bad weather conditions can make them very wet and cold.


In general ideally your clothing is of a quick-dry material, like technical outdoor clothing or synthetic track suit.

Rain Coat and Rain Pants
Water and windproof jackets are a must for the often ‘breezy’ days up in the mountains. Waterproof trousers are also highly recommended. As well as keeping you dry, they also shield your legs from the wind.

Hats and Gloves
Adding a lot to your comfort, stay warm! It is often cool on the higher ground, making a warm hat and gloves vital at all times, but especially in the winter months. It is sometimes handy to have a spare pair of gloves in case your first set gets wet from the rain.

Warm Layers 
It can get cold on top of the mountains so it is important to have some extra clothes to put on such as a base layer (preferably something that wicks sweat and does not absorb it like cotton does), a long sleeve top and a warm fleece.

Spare Clothes
If you’ve been walking in the rain all day you need something warm and comfortable to change into. An extra set of warm clothes is advised which you can leave on the bus until the end of the walk.

Your rucksack needs to be big enough to carry food and drink, camera, waterproofs. Carrier bags and shoulder bags are not suitable. Extra waterproof layers such as rucksack liners or even plastic bags are advised for inside the rucksacks due to the weather!

Click here for information on where to buy gear:

Buying Gear

Food and Drink

No lunch, no hike!
A good packed lunch is vital to give you energy.

There will be a lunch break and one or two short stops during each hike. However, conditions may not allow us to stop for long, so bring food that’s ”quick” to eat.

A hot drink is advisable, and each person should carry at least 1.5 litres of drinking water/fluids.

Chocolate, fruit and other high energy foods are great to carry and will give you a boost if you happen to need that little extra push!


Repeat:  Forbidden Items of Equipment

The following is a list of unsafe equipment, and why.
If you wear any of the following items you run the risk of not being taken on the walk for your own and the group’s safety:

  • Doc Martens – the sole provides no grip at all on wet rocks and grass, snow or ice.
  • Trainers – these give no ankle support at all, and little grip, leaving you open to injury on rough ground.
  • Ponchos – They don’t keep you warm, and strong winds may turn you into an involuntary hang-glider.
  • Jeans or similar trousers – very heavy when wet, take a long time to dry and will drain body heat dangerously. Even unacceptable under waterproof trousers. We have to be strict!
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Last modified: September 11, 2023