Committee Positions and Roles

Overall responsibilities of committee members:

    • Support the running of the club when and where it might be required.
    • Attend club activities
    • Ensure future planning for the club.
    • Recruit new members to the club.
    • Develop and innovative the club
    • Show an interest in all aspects of the club.
    • To support the other committee in their roles.
    • Be a friendly face for new people.

Benefits of being a committee member:

    1. Knowledge of club activities and ability to support and give something back to the club.
    2. Discounted training courses.
    3. Ability to learn new skills  
    4. Fantastic addition to your CV.
    5. Gain experience
    6. Non-academic reason
    7. Alive cert   

General tasks completed by each committee position:

It should be noted that tasks may change between committee member based on their skill sets, all committee is required to take on additional tasks to support the club when required. Committee members are also welcome to innovate within their role. Committee members are welcome to delegate within their role.


    • Ambassador for the club, general “overseer”, ensures the smooth running of all club activities.
    • Chair meetings if decided so by the committee. The chairperson can be someone else than the captain
    • Delegate tasks to each side of the club (hiking and climbing)
    • Mention and think about tasks/events/possible emails that haven’t been brought up by either hiking or climbing side (VCs)
    • Make sure tasks are done (trip organised, training organised, attendance uploaded, etc.)
    • Help, if needed by any committee member
    • Chair and review year at AGM/EGM

Hiking Vice-Captain:

    • Organise the weekly hikes every Sunday during term – choose routes, liaise with walk leaders, responsible for the club gear, make sure each day runs smoothly and safely
    • Overall responsibility for the hiking side of the club
    • Ensure that new walk leaders get trained, and get plenty of opportunities to practice their skills
    • Keep club members informed of hikes and events
    • Organise hiking on the two club trips
    • Work alongside the Hiking TSO and Registrar
    • Take charge of the Student Union’s annual Croagh Patrick hike

Climbing Vice-Captain:

    • Overall responsibility for the climbing side of the club.
    • Plan day trips for outdoor climbing.
    • Organise transport and accommodation for Intervarsity’s.
    • Research climbing in areas for the club trips
    • Take reasonability for all events at all beginner bouldering competition.
    • Complete a wall change (wash and put up new routes).
    • Encourage people to climb and to progress their climbing ability.


    • Overall responsibility for all email correspondence in the club
    • Takes minutes at all committee meetings and shares them around to committee after
    • Writes and sends the club weekly email with all club information for the week to all club members
    • Replies daily to any general emails that come to the club committee email, unless sometimes they are specialised to be answered by other more experienced in the subject.
    • Books rooms for any club functions a week in advance for events that need a pre-booked room i.e club movie nights, club talks, committee meetings (optional), annual general meetings/emergency general meetings


    • Overall responsibility for the financial aspects of the club
    • Collect cash from Sunday hike and place in the bank
    • Keep track of income and expenses of the club and update the financial system.
    • Write cheques and send bank transfers to pay expenses of the club
    • Create a budget and complete an overview of the financial aspects at the end of the year.

Equipment Officer:

    • Overall responsibility for the clubs equipment
    • Keep track of the condition and borrowing of gear
    • Help with purchasing and selling club gear
    • Consult with other committee members about purchasing gear.
    • Safety of year.
    • Overall responsible for checking club gear.
    • Club trip

Public Relations Officer:

    • Promote the club through the facebook page and posters
    • Advertise any events we are having and try and encourage people to attend
    • Answer any queries that people send in to the facebook page  
    • Responsible for all forms of social media unless others want to use it
    • Responsible for updates to the website
    • Photo competition but can be delegated

Hiking Training and Safety Officer:

    • Organise navigation and safety training for the club, e.g. Navigation lectures, Mountain Skills training and Remote Emergency Care courses
    • Work with the Equipment Officer and Hiking Vice-Captain to ensure that necessary safety equipment for hikes are present and in good order, e.g. first aid kits, storm shelters, GPS, head torches
    • Ensure that all members coming on the hikes have the necessary equipment (e.g. waterproofs and boots with ankle support) and that each group has sufficient safety equipment (i.e. first aid kits, storm shelters, GPS, head torches)

Climbing Training and Safety Officer:

    • Organise and oversee the belay training of beginners at the Wall, draw up training and assessment roster.
    • Organise climbing training courses, SPA and anchor setting.
    • Oversee that all members only use safe practice at the wall when and belaying and spotting etc.


    • Upload attendance from hikes to the clubs website
    • Create events on clubs calendar / public calendar
    • Take attendance at the climbing wall
    • Upload attendance to the clubs account
    • Add assessed climbers to the Kingfisher’s database and the NUIGMC Rock Climbing facebook group
    • Use Sumup to collect payments for shoe rentals, lessons and club merchandise


    • Must be an experienced/ previous committee member
    • Advise new committee on previous procedures if required by the new committee
    • Alert new committee if big mistakes/ bad decisions seem to be taken
    • Attend all committee meetings
    • Do not have a vote

Ordinary Committee Member:

  • Help out when needed with various club activities, particularly at busier times when other committee members are too busy to take care of all organisation themselves.

ATU Representative:

    • Be a point of contact for ATU students
    • Look after ATU grants and funding
    • Help out when needed with various club activities, particularly at busier times when other committee members are too busy to take care of all organisation themselves.
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Last modified: June 18, 2024